Rockwell B-1A
20th century
The B-1B Lancer has long been one of the most capable bomber aircraft ever produced. Able to fly supersonic (and at extremely low altitudes), deliver large quantities of weapons with pinpoint precision, the Lancer has been proven in several conflicts. However, the B-1 bomber we know today was never designed to operate in the manner it does today. The Lancer evolved from a long history of experimental supersonic bomber designs to serve a very distinct stop-gap task. Today we'll look back at the original Lancer, the Rockwell B-1A, which never saw duty but helped lay the road for the B-1B we know today.
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Operation Gomorrah - The Bombing of H...
In 1943, the heart of the German air defense system was the early-warning and flak-predictor radar systems. It had proved to be a good system, as was the British radar chain that had been set up since 1935. The Germans knew, however, that strips of metal foil could blind the radar sets and they w...
Freedom Comes High
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