FB-22 The Raptor Stealth Bomber
Many years ago, the US Military had plans for a F-22 upgrade. This would have been a strike fighter, with an emphasis on bombing. Details surrounding the project remain a mystery, with some suggesting that the project was never really cancelled, but rather postponed for possible future implementa...
X-59: NASA's new X-Plane
In 2016, Lockheed Martin was awarded a contract to develop a new X-plane, with the goal of researching low-boom supersonic flight. The result - an aircraft now referred to as the X-59 - has now been completed, and will soon begin testing. But what is the X-59, and how will it impact the aerospace...
Path of the Daff
Amidst the darkness of the 2013 bombings, Boston rises like a phoenix from the ashes, as the city unites in hope and healing through the unlikely symbol of the Boston Marathon Daffodils. This emotional tale follows the journey of one small daffodil bulb, as it travels from the Netherlands, across...
Special Jury Award Winner at Action/Cut Film Competition 2011. Reactionary is a U.S. soldier story in Afghanistan starring Douglas Spain (Band of Brothers) as Private Gonzales working to extricate insurgents from a civilian town. He witnesses a deadly knee jerk reaction by a fellow soldier, Corpo...
Greenfield Village Restoration: 20 Years Later
Tribute to Our Nation's Veterans
Meet five veterans and learn their stories of service to our nation in conflicts from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Afghanistan. Tour Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery and learn about its history and its mission to serve America’s veterans.
Rockwell B-1A
The B-1B Lancer has long been one of the most capable bomber aircraft ever produced. Able to fly supersonic (and at extremely low altitudes), deliver large quantities of weapons with pinpoint precision, the Lancer has been proven in several conflicts. However, the B-1 bomber we know today was nev...
Operation Orchard - First Strike
Today, it seems the Middle East is on the brink of another regional conflict, and it is possible that western militaries may be forced to intervene in some way. Given the relevance to us all, in the near future we will take a look at a number of middle eastern air operations, from Australian forc...