Little Rock Nine
Every month is Black History Month
Legacy of the Little Rock Nine: Featuring Ernest Green and Melba Pattillo Beals, PhD chronicles the story of the first 9 African American students to attend the all white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Learn how powers of local & national government battled integration 3 years after the landmark, Brown v the Board of Education of Topeka ruled segregation unconstitutional. Hear from students, Ernest Green, the first African American to graduate from Central High School, and Melba Pattillo Beals, PhD, who penned her inspirational memoirs in her best selling books Warriors Don’t Cry, March Forward Girl and I will Not Fear. Learn about their trials & triumphs while fighting for a quality education with equal opportunities.
Up Next in Every month is Black History Month
Talking With An Enslaved Housemaid At...
Caroline Branham was one of George Washington's housemaids at Mount Vernon. Part of Branham's role on the estate was cleaning and maintaining the rooms in the Mansion. She was also the person who first discovered Washington was ill shortly before he passed. In this video, join one of our interpre...
Black Dispatch
Within the turmoil of The Civil War, Sable, a Confederate engineer's house slave, risks everything by stealing military plans in hopes of delivering them to her runaway husband and a trusting Union soldier. But when a battle drifts into their drop spot, nothing goes as expected and a simple plan ...
Freedmen's Bureau
Freedmen’s Bureau officials encouraged people to deposit their savings in the private Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company. Account holders believed their monies were safe, but the deposits were not guaranteed. Changed lending policies in 1870, the economic panic of 1873, and mismanagement put in...