Little Rock Nine
Every month is Black History Month
Legacy of the Little Rock Nine: Featuring Ernest Green and Melba Pattillo Beals, PhD chronicles the story of the first 9 African American students to attend the all white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Learn how powers of local & national government battled integration 3 years after the landmark, Brown v the Board of Education of Topeka ruled segregation unconstitutional. Hear from students, Ernest Green, the first African American to graduate from Central High School, and Melba Pattillo Beals, PhD, who penned her inspirational memoirs in her best selling books Warriors Don’t Cry, March Forward Girl and I will Not Fear. Learn about their trials & triumphs while fighting for a quality education with equal opportunities.
Up Next in Every month is Black History Month
The Biddy Mason Story
Bridget Biddy Mason is an American Hero. Born enslaved, Mason became one of the first prominent citizens and landowners in Los Angeles through the second half of the 19th Century. She also founded the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles in 1872. But in 1848, she walked 1,700 m...
Thomas Laws - Union Intelligence Asset
Thomas Laws deserves to be much better known than he is! Enslaved at the beginning of the Civil War, it was his action and bravery that provided the conduit for General Sheridan to get vital intelligence to launch the 3rd Battle of Winchester. Find out more! “Fridays at the Front” is a collaborat...
A Story of Devotion
This is the story of F4U Corsair pilots Jesse Brown and Medal of Honor winner Thomas Hudner in the Korean War - the tragic tale from the movie "Devotion".