UFO Secrets at Abandoned Cold War Radar Base
The base was operational during the height of the Cold War and was part of Project Blue Book investigations. On September 19, 1961, the radar tracked an unknown object for 18 minutes. That same night, Betty and Barney Hill claimed to be abducted by aliens just 40 miles away.
The base was operational for about 6 years during the Cold War. It was also the location of 2 UFO sightings. The encounters were documented in Project Blue Book - the Air Force investigation into Unidentified Flying Objects.
This was the first reported UFO abduction in the country and gained popularity due to the audio recordings from Betty and Barney while they were under hypnosis.
This video dives into the history of the Cold War and the UFO sightings that took place at this base while exploring the abandoned structures, and buildings.
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